Sunday, 22 July 2012

jQuery publish/subscribe custom events

There seems to be a stuck idea with respect to jQuery which demands binding custom events and their functions to a specific DOM object (like 'document' or 'body') and triggering the event on that object which then tells whatever objects might want to know about the event using another event.

There's an example of this here: and another here (okay, that's four years ago but it's top of the Google results on this subject).

I may be being stupid (it's been known) but that seems a completely unnecessary step - possibly inherited from OOP coding in a non-HTML environment where it may be necessary to have two stages.

So, here I am building a new carousel system for Drupal 7 - not because I'm a glutton for punishment but because none of the existing options does what I need for my current contract - and come up against this issue and something is nagging me. I've been here before.

If you imagine, a modern carousel has its little indicator buttons to show which slide we're currently on and allow the user to select a slide to view with a click. It also has forward and back arrows (which may be hidden or displayed if there's a slide to go forward or back to). And there may be an auto-change option if the user isn't selecting slides manually.

Now each of those indicators, arrows and auto-scroll items is an object which has behaviours attached. Let's call them carousel "tools". And they need to know what's going on.

Let's say the last indicator is clicked by the user, the system must scroll to the last item and then a check must be made to see if the "next" arrow should be hidden, the old indicator unhighlighted, the new indicator highlighted and the auto-scroll switched off (maybe with another timer started so the auto-scroll restarts after a period of time of user inactivity).

Or, if it's the auto-scroll in action, similar actions must be taken when a new slide is displayed.

Now you could hard-code all this into the slide function but we all know that's naughty tight coupling and will be difficult to write without lots of bugs and to maintain for anyone else. Since each object has its own behaviours this problem is ripe for proper OOP implementation.

So we could encapsulate the tools and then keep a list of those tools and hard-code a function to call in each one of them when the slide changes. Okay, that's better functionality, looser coupling but it can be done better.

Instead what we intuitively want to do is send a custom event saying "this carousel has changed its slide" to every object that needs to know (and don't forget we might have more than one carousel on a page so we also need to distinguish between the tools belonging to each carousel).

Okay, so we could bind a function for the "slideChange" event to the root carousel DOM element and then have that element triggered by the slideChange function (with data including the old and new slide IDs, plus whether this is the first slide or the last slide in the list - so that the previous/next arrows know whether to hide themselves).

But why do we have to use the root carousel element at all?

We don't. What about this:

$('.carousel-tool').trigger('slideChange.' + myCarouselID, {...slide change data...});

And in the set-up for each tool we can have this:

$(this).bind('slideChange. + myCarouselID, function(e, data) {
  var me = $(this);
  ... process the slideChange event

And in the HTML every tool has a "carousel-tool" class. If we do this we are completely encapsulating the actions of the tools. The slideChange function can reference every tool, without actually having to know who they are.

This uses the custom event namespacing feature available in jQuery to ensure that only the tools that belong to a specific carousel have the event triggered when that carousel slide changes. You could namespace the HTML class but that's less efficient in some respects.

Or you could modify the trigger line:

$('#' + myCarouselID).find('.carousel-tool').trigger('slideChange', {...slide change data...});

Actually this is probably the most efficient option even if it's not the most elegant, and note you wouldn't use the namespacing in the binding either if you do it this way.

In case you think that's an odd way to do the selection process, it's quicker to have the single $('#id') search on its own and then do a find() from there, than it is to combine to two. (See

So there you are: how to do publish/subscribe properly with jQuery. (In my opinion.)

UPDATE: One caveat, the events propagate up through the DOM tree, which means that if you have a handler for a custom event higher up the tree it will get called as many times as there are handlers lower down the tree. You can avoid this using the e.stopPropagation() method.

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